jeudi, janvier 22, 2004

Georgetown University is not untouched by freedoms beyond the gates. For eight years, gay students waged a court battle to receive “recognition” as a student club — then the key to benefits. They lost, but they won the right to equal access to activity funds without forcing the university to recognize them. Administrators happily adopted the concept of “access to benefits” originally to avoid having to recognize groups considered inconsistent with Catholic identity.

University policy, however, continues to invite legal challenge for curtailing associational rights and academic freedom, and Church scrutiny since “access to benefits” is being duplicitously treated as “recognition.”

Students and alumni must be vigilant that our university’s marketplace of ideas does not become a bargain basement for just some people’s ideas.

"The time is coming for Irishmen to stop writing our history." -- Manuel A. Miranda

Loved this bit. The original subject of this thread was if you would go to Hell if you voted for Al Gore. Proof positive that the Religious Right is devoid of intellect, reason or any trace of scruples. Miranda here, thoughtfully explains the New World Order, and elaborates a tiny bit on Skull and Bones. (Successful persons are Yale graduates. Huh. Reasoning like this from an attorney?)

From: "Manuel A. Miranda"
Subject: Re: Jubilee 2000: A Sin to Vote for Al Gore?
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 14:22:39 -0400

Just a quick comment that the term New World Order is a rather old one and it was long used in international affairs to imply a global view on matters of security, trade, and relief. It is usually associated with the best of United Nations idealism. An internationalism which was not foreign to the generation of Bush senior for good reason. It is not the term that is the problem. But its more recent association with an abdication of national sovereignty over security and legislative matters which both Bush's have repudiated but which the current administration has increasingly embraced. In fact, in the speech you cite, Bush senior was making the point that the US is bound only to the principles that they have signed on to. It was a rejection of UN expansion into untold areas. His point was correct. Under our constitutional law, international conventions become part of our law. Bush was saying that it would only what was signed in 1946 (?).

As to the Skull & Bones fraternity. Some of last century's greatest public servants have been Yale graduates and members. Of course, that too is all over.

Let's hope for the Holy Spirit and that we remember our courses in Logic and catechism...hierarchy of principles, collaboration with evil, and principle of non-contradiction, etc.