samedi, février 21, 2004

Like father, like son, former Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives testified under oath that he was contacted by Houston businessman “Sid Adger and asked to recommend George W. Bush, Jr. for a pilot position with the Air National Guard,” and that he called General James Rose and “did so.”[20]

Yet Bush, Jr. our current Commander-in-Chief, reportedly never even bothered showing up for drills. General William Turnipseed and his aide Kenneth Lott both flatly deny that Bush ever appeared for duty—a violation of the Texas Code of Military Justice (a State Statute and a version of the U.S. Code of Military Justice)—a court martial offense.[21]

Neither did our chief flag-waver appear for his training at the 187th Tactical Recon Group at Dannelly ANG Base in Alabama.[22]

Bill Burkett, a former Lieutenant Colonel in the Guard, said, “As the State Plans Officer for the Texas National Guard, I was on full-time duty at Camp Mabry when [Bush aide] Dan Bartlett was cleansing the George W. Bush file prior to G.W.’s presidential announcement.... The archives were closely scrutinized to make sure that the Bush autobiography plans and the record did not directly contradict each other.”[23]

Government documents do note, however, that Jr.’s flying privlidges were suspended for failure to take his annual medical exam, even though he stated that he was perfectly healthy. Michael Dannenhauer, former Chief of Staff to the elder Bush, states that Jr.’s cocaine and alcohol habit was “out of control” and that he experienced “lost weekends in Mexico” during that time.[24] This is not surprising, considering that Jr. would offer free beer to college students to garner their votes during his 1987 congressional race.[25]

When it was time to leave the National Guard, the prodigal son and future President received an honorable discharge.