Kahn Job: Bush Spiked Probe of Pakistan?s Dr. Strangelove, BBC reported in 2001
On November 7, 2001, BBC TV and the Guardian of London reported that the Bush Administration thwarted investigations of Dr. A.Q. Kahn who this week confessed selling atomic secrets to Libya, North Korea, and Iran.
The Bush Administration has expressed shock at the disclosures that Pakistan, our ally in the war on terror, has been running a nuclear secrets bazaar. In fact, according to the British News Team sources', Bush did not know of these facts because, shortly after his inauguration, his National Security Agency defectively stymied the probe of Kahn Research Laboratories. CIA and other agents could not investigate the spread of Islamic Bombs through Pakistan because funding appeared to originate in Saudi Arabia.
Greg Palast and David Pallister received a California State University Project Censored Award for this expose based on the story broadcast by Palast on BBC Television Newsnight.
According to both sources and documents obtained by the BBC, the Bush Administration Spike of the investigation of Dr. Kahn's Lab followed
from a wider policy of protecting key Saudi Arabians including the Bin Laden Family.
Noam Chomsky, who read the story on page one of the Times of India, has wondered, "Why wasn't this all over US papers?"
To learn why, read the following excerpt from the 2003 edition of Palast's book, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy @ http:\\www.GregPalast.com
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